Saturday, October 17, 2009

New beginnings

The Sandcastle Recreation Complex has been closed since early September and we may still be a few weeks away from the opening of the new dojo, so I thought this would be a good time for an interim essay. Thus, I offer some musings on this "vacation" which will soon come to a glorious end.

Being off from regular training has been a very good opportunity to look at how Aikido has actually integrated into my life. In class, and especially in Kenshu, we study principles such as Ma Ai, Cho Shi, and Ai Ki. These are more than martial principles. These are principles of living. Being away from regular training these last weeks, daily life has been the only context in which I have had to study these teachings, and it has surprised me how deeply they have set into my life these last six years.

When I started Aikido, the dojo was celebrating it's third anniversary. I remember thinking how exciting and new it must have been to be part of those first days. Although every student in every class helps to build the history and future of the dojo, there is a deep spirit that emanates from the images and stories of those early days. I can even see some of this when talking to my juniors who have no memories of having to stack up the mats at the end of each class. Now we stand at the edge of a similar new beginning. How will things proceed? How will they change? Who will return? I can't fully describe how excited I am to be there as these questions get answered.

Having seen the new facility, the possibilities for the future seem very open. The journey into that future will be like that of a boat. To move, it requires drive and direction. Sensei has set the direction and has nudged it into the current, but the force that will truly drive it is the spirit that we create when we come together. Given that, I have little worry for the future, since the spirit of the Seikokan has always been it's defining characteristic.

I hope that all those who can, take part in this rebirth. Aikido has had a great impact on our lives, and for those who train at the Seikokan, this new phase promises to be an excellent opportunity for growth, both individually and as a group.

I hope to see you on the mats soon.

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